At the heart of Waves Music Co. is a fascination with creating and performing.

We hope to continue adding to the coastal music legacy. To protect the pre-existing values within our local original music culture; The camaraderie, the eccentricity, a cultivated musicians lifestyle. We also understand the importance of professionalism in music; global surf culture meets Melbourne Arts mindset with some of our past music teachers being raised on the Surf Coast; moving to study music at some of Melbournes finest arts schools and higher education courses, returning to teach back on the coast, some practise daily, showcasing in some of Melbournes most esteemed music venues, making records, boarding planes, international interstate, new connections, experiencing culture(s), making music, making waves.

The purpose of Waves Music Co. is to inspire industrious and innovative music culture(s). We value innovation in Music, and encourage new approaches to music education while conditioning a fair and inclusive standard. Being around inspiring people in music enables us to teach the skills necessary to sustain powerful & balanced music careers.